big tits korean chick with huge breasts fucked

She was a petite Korean girl with huge breasts. Her tight t-shirt hugged her curves tightly, accentuating her large tits and attracting more than one look. Walking confidently, she caught the eye of a man. She couldn't help but smile, knowing what he wanted. They seemed almost destined for each other. He soon dragged her off to his bedroom, their mutual desire only growing stronger. With trembling hands, he unbuttoned her shirt and exposed her big breasts. He licked and sucked them softly, sending shivers of pleasure over her body. She soon found him pushing inside of her, his thrusts slow yet powerful. She hovered on the edge of pleasure, their bodies intertwining as he fucked her harder and harder. Her breasts bounced with each thrust, her short breaths escaping her lips. Finally, with a long moan, he filled her with his arousal and they both lay in a satisfied heap. She gazed upon him with a mischievous grin, already anticipating their next encounter.

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